We live in a fast paced, rapidly changing world which is full of opportunities but with few certainties. That is why our PSHE curriculum is at the heart of everything we do at Worle Community School Academy.

Committed to putting students first, our PSHE programme prepares students for both life and work; equipping them with vital skills in how to stay safe, enjoy good physical and emotional health, become financially aware, develop their skills of team work, perseverance and resilience whilst all the while setting out to achieve their very own best academically.

Our curriculum has been developed together with parents to ensure that all students receive age appropriate input and are able to tackle any issues which affect their ability to learn, such as relationships, mental health concerns and managing the transition from child to adolescent to adult. Please find below a PDF which details which topics are taught in which year groups.

Delivered by form tutors who have a strong relationship with our students, the emphasis is very much on discussion and exploration of a very wide range of topics which will enable our students to leave school completely prepared for anything life may throw at them and fully ready to embrace the next stage of their lives.

"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." Nelson Mandela